

1866 results:
  • Du stehst kurz vor dem Sprung ins Berufsleben oder möchtest ein Studium beginnen, aber weißt nicht welche Ausbildung oder welcher Studiengang zu dir passt? Oder möchtest du dich gerne weiterbilden oder deinen Schulabschluss nachholen? Dann lass dir die Sprungbrett nicht entgehen – die Messe für Ausbildung, Studium und Weiterbildung in Ludwigshafen
  • 2. BIM Rheinhessen
    Date: 13.09.2024
    Entdecke deinen Traumberuf! Das können Schülerinnen und Schüler bei der BIM Rheinhessen. Interessante Berufs- und Studienangebote mit großartigen Zukunftsaussichten, werden gemeinsam mit Informationen und Tipps rund um die Themen "Ausbildung und Studium" präsentiert.
  • Unentschlossen? Die "ZAM" bietet Orientierung auf der Suche nach Ausbildungs- und Studienmöglichkeiten und weiteren Maßnahmen, z.B. Freiwilligendienste.
  • 4. Contact - Current availability
    Date: 25.07.2024
    Current availability From  August 1, 2024, we will be personally on site for you again. Until then, please contact xx in urgent cases, preferably by email
  • 5. Portal Logistics - Databases
    Date: 24.07.2024
    Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA): The German Patent and Trade Mar
  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. IEEE Xplore full text access to the approx. 4 million publications of the IE
  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. Wiso-net: offers access to approx. 8.7 million economic references as well a
  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. DETAIL inspiration The image and reference database DETAIL inspiration contains o
  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project for the usage of scientific online and CD-ROM databases. Campus wide free access to specialized databases licensed by the university library and 4,500 free online databases. Sciencedirect: Elsevier offers its journal archive in subject-specific collections. The national licence contains a total of around 1,5
  • Databases DBIS: A cooperative project to allow use of academic online and CD-ROM databases. There is free, campus-wide access to all of the subject-specific databases for which the University Library is licensed and around 4,500 databases available for free online. Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA): The  Patent and Trade Mark Office is
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