Go abroad
The department International Relations and Languages supports all members of the university
- to find and organize the individually suitable stay abroad
- to develop their intercultural skills
- to strengthen their foreign language skills also through offers at the university
Further information
Your way abroad - an overview of opportunities for students, staff & lecturers (in German)
To the list of partner universities
"Integrated Semesters Abroad" for students (ready-made packages incl. recognition)
From abroad
The department International Relations and Languages offers
- international prospective students an entry via the Internationales Studienkolleg
- support for international students in order to find an optimal (study)offer at the Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences
- international lecturers and staff various possibilities of a guest stay
International Relations & Languages

Daniela Fleuren, M.A. M.A.
Leiterin Referat
- +49 631 3724-2725daniela.fleuren(at)hs-kl(dot)de
- Campus Kaiserslautern
- Room A226

Internationalization strategy & funding opportunities
The Internationalisation Strategy 2030 of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is available in the intern network ("Intranet").
In addition, various funding lines are explained in more detail there.
Here you can already find a target group-specific overview of scholarships and funding opportunities:
- Students: for a stay abroad (in German)
- Staff & lecturers: for a stay abroad (in German)
- International students: for your studies at HS KL