Health without IT? - Not possible!
Bachelor Medical Informatics
Nowhere is software closer to people
Are you interested in health, computer science and natural sciences? Are you convincing with your analytical ability, are you creative and do you enjoy working with people? Here is your cahnce to study medical informatics at Kaiserlautern University.
The field of medical informatics is wide-ranging and technological developments mean that this scientific field is always bringing new aspects. You can also get an insight into the study of medical informatics through our In4medic-Days.
That's why you should study medical informatics at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences:
In the course of your studies, you'll receive hands-on training as a medical informatics specialist with subject-specific expertise in the field of digital health. From the first semester, you will learn how to work with informatics and medical systems and how to use software to solve medical problems - from the user-friendly design of innovative health apps to the use of artificial intelligence for diagnostic support. In the process, you'll also gradually learn about the complex structures of our healthcare system.
Thanks to the application-oriented focus of the program, you will be able to work on our many research projects or with external companies after just a few semesters. In this way, you will gain valuable experience for your scientific career in an exciting future market.
- You save lives!
- Medical informatics offers you entry into a dynamic future market
- You can expect a varied professional life with exciting challenges and very good earning opportunities.

„What I like most about this program is how versatile it is. Every student is individual, and that's how the program should be. In the medical informatics program, students can choose between two specializations: medical informatics and digital healthcare.
Within the respective focus, there are further opportunities to deepen the study-related interests in the elective and specialization subjects and to shape one's own individual (educational) path."
Lisa Hoffmann, Medical informatics student in the 7th semester (Picture: privat)

„Medical informatics teaches a wide range of skills and offers exciting challenges if you are interested in healthcare topics and working with computers.
But don't worry! No one needs to have programming skills. You learn it from scratch in our courses. This is another reason why our graduates are in such high demand. Only a few degree programs currently offer comparably good job prospects."
Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Norbert Rösch
Head of Medical Informatics (Picture: HSKL)
In medical informatics, in addition to computer science skills, you will gain all the knowledge that will enable you to use and develop IT solutions in medicine and healthcare. Together with the respective experts, you will learn to analyze medical problems constructively and to develop IT solutions that fit them perfectly. Medical information must be prepared for the doctor in such a way that he can make a diagnosis and draw conclusions for a suitable therapy. Both must then be documented securely. In research, the evaluation of clinical data can lead to completely new therapeutic approaches.
- 1st - 3rd semester: basic studies
The foundation course teaches basic knowledge of computer science, mathematics, health technologies and medical communication and documentation. It also includes an introduction to programming, databases and the technical basics of computer science.
- 4th - 7th semester: Advanced studies
The specialization course offers specialized topics such as hardware-related programming, image processing in medicine, artificial intelligence in healthcare and telemedicine. It also includes a practical phase in which practical experience is gained and ends with the Bachelor's thesis.
Special options:
It is possible to complete a semester abroad (mobility module), which can be chosen in the 5th or 6th semester instead of the regular modules or the practical phase.
The goal of medical informatics is to optimize medical care processes with the help of digitization and to expand knowledge in medicine and healthcare through research. During your studies you will acquire the necessary basics at the interface of medicine and informatics. Important study contents are:
- Medical documentation
- Imaging procedures, such as computer tomography
- E-health
- Biosignal processing
- Artificial intelligence in medicine
The bachelor's degree program in medical informatics provides the knowledge required to work in a responsible position as a medical informatics specialist after successful completion.
As a graduate, you will have in-depth specialist knowledge in medical informatics, in selected areas of application and research in medicine, healthcare and medical technology. You will also be able to apply this knowledge in practice. You will also acquire the necessary interdisciplinary skills, e.g. in the areas of ethics and IT law, to successfully master the dynamic, interdisciplinary challenges of medical IT.
Graduates of the program participate in the planning and management of projects and are able to moderate and unite different views of various stakeholders across the boundaries of the disciplines involved. In particular, they are aware of the ethical issues of informatics applications in medicine and take responsibility for their decisions. In addition, the degree qualifies students to enter a master's program.
- Interface between medicine and informatics
- Knowledge from medicine in application and research, health care and medical technology
- Supra-disciplinary competencies in ethics, IT law, etc.
Your degree in medical informatics offers you practical training that prepares you optimally for the demands of the digital healthcare world. You have the opportunity to specialize individually, for example in the areas of artificial intelligence in healthcare or telemedicine and mobile systems.
A key highlight is the practical phase, during which you gain valuable professional experience in a healthcare facility and can apply your knowledge directly.
You will benefit from state-of-the-art laboratories and a learning environment that provides innovative technologies and digital healthcare solutions. You also have the opportunity to complete a semester abroad through the mobility module and gain international experience.
Career prospects
The healthcare market is one of the fastest growing markets of the future, which is why the career prospects as a medical IT specialist are excellent. After graduation, you will have excellent career opportunities in the following areas:
- Software realization and medical technology production
- IT service providers, medical device manufacturers, management consultancies, companies with a medical research and development focus
- Companies in the health care sector
- Hospitals, nursing homes and services
- Research
- Universities and colleges, pharmaceutical companies, research institutes
- Company formations, spin-offs and start-ups
- Consulting, implementation and programming, project management
Alternatively, you can expand your expertise by pursuing a master's degree and doctorate, such as a Master of Science in Computer Science at our university. A doctorate in the context of a cooperative dissertation is also possible with us.

„As an employer, I am interested in integrating medical informatics specialists from Zweibrücken into our team. As a graduate of the medical informatics program at Kaiserslautern University, I know exactly what knowledge is taught there. The exciting topics of the digitization of healthcare need well-trained specialists.“
Janina Sauer, Teamlead Support Meta IT, Datenschutzkoordination MEDICO, Quality Representative, KMS Vertrieb und Services GmbH, (Foto: privat)

Du bist Schüler und interessierst dich für Medizin und IT?
Dann sind die In4medics-Days genau das Richtige für dich und deine Klasse oder deinen Kurs! Im Rahmen von Workshops zeigen wir euch, warum Medizininformatik ein spannendes Zukunftsfeld ist.
Neben Vorträgen und Workshops lernst du das studentische Leben kennen. Dabei stehen dir Studierende und Absolventen Rede und Antwort. Terminanfragen können direkt über euren Lehrer oder eure Lehrerin gestellt werden.
Dann macht mit!
Termine | Dein Lehrer oder Lehrerin kann jederzeit auf uns zu kommen und wir konzipieren nur für dich und deine Klasse einen eigenen In4medics-Day! |
Workshops |
Vorträge |
Erfahrungsberichte | Das sagen Schulen über ihren Tag an der Hochschule am Campus Zweibrücken:
Woher weiß ich, dass Medizininformatik das richtige Studium für mich ist? | Du bist medizinisch und informatisch interessiert? Besitzt analytische und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten, bist teamfähig und hast Spaß an der Arbeit mit Menschen? Dann stimmen die allgemeinen Voraussetzungen überein. Zusätzlich solltest du Interesse im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich mitbringen sowie die Bereitschaft immer wieder dazuzulernen. Während unseren In4medics-Days oder am Tag des Offenen Campus können wir die die Medizininformatik näher bringen. |
Welche Themenpunkte gibt es am Campus Zweibrücken? |
Zusätzlich kannst du zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in deinem Studium eine Vertiefung wählen (siehe Vertiefungen). |
Muss ich den ganzen Tag Programmieren? | Nein, die Medizininformatik stellt eine Schnittstelle zwischen Medizin, Technik und Informatik dar. Es gibt kein "Programmieren bis der Arzt kommt". |
Wie ist das studentische Leben in Zweibrücken? | Informationen zum studentischen Leben in Zweibrücken findest du nachfolgend. |
Not only our campus in Zweibrücken has a lot to offer, the city also convinces with its charm. Zweibrücken offers you many opportunities to find a balance from your daily study routine.
Zweibrücken is very familiar and close to home due to its 34,000 inhabitants. Due to its special location, the city of roses forms a middle center of the many surrounding communities. In addition, the city is located directly on the border of France.
Culture and tourism are not neglected here. Annual events such as the city festival, various concerts or theater performances are firmly anchored. Furthermore, countless activities are offered. These range from climbing, hiking and bowling to shopping in one of the most famous outlets in Germany. But also a cozy evening out in one of the numerous cafes and bistros is possible. Let the "Zwebrigger Dialect" convince you!
Recreation | Due to the many recreational facilities, there is always something to experience. Here is a small selection:
| Support the regional clubs and teams. Whether ice hockey, handball, soccer, judo, athletics or horse racing and jumping tournaments take place on a regular basis. Do you prefer to be active yourself? The choice of clubs and memberships is limitless! |
Events and celebrations | With the many events throughout the year, there is never a dull moment in Zweibrücken.
Hiking | Nestled between the biosphere reserves Pfälzerwald, Vosges and Bliesgau, Zweibrücken offers a variety of hiking trails.
Shoppen | The outlet is particularly well known, but also the many small boutiques and stores in the pedestrian zone invite you to stroll and store. |
Was ist ein Duales Studium? | Ein duales Studium kombiniert ein wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium mit einer Praxistätigkeit in einem Unternehmen. Dabei kann das im Studium erworbene Wissen von Anfang an konkret angewendet werden. Zugleich bilden die praktischen Erfahrungen eine gute Grundlage, um die Anwendbarkeit und den Nutzen der Studieninhalte zu beurteilen und sie besser zu verstehen. |
Welche dualen Studiengänge gibt es im Bereich Informatik? | Alle Bachelorstudiengänge aus dem Bereich Informatik können an unserem Standort Zweibrücken dual studiert werden:
Wenn Du im Anschluss noch einen Master erwerben willst, kannst Du auch den Masterstudiengang Informatik im dualen Modell durchführen. |
Wie findet man ein geeignetes Unternehmen? | Bewirb Dich bei einem Unternehmen, das Dich interessiert und bei dem Du gerne arbeiten möchtest. Halte nach entsprechenden Stellenausschreibungen Ausschau oder werbe selbst ein Unternehmen, indem Du dich direkt initiativ bewirbst. Eine erste Anlaufstelle bietet unsere Unternehmensdatenbank mit freien Stellen für dual Studierende: Für die Einschreibung in einen dualen Studiengang muss ein Vertrag mit einem Unternehmen vorliegen. |
Wie läuft das duale Studium ab? | Die Lehrveranstaltungen und der grundlegende, siebensemestrige Studienverlauf sind für dual und nicht-dual Studierende dieselben. Eine Übersicht finden Sie in der Broschüre oder auf der Webseite des jeweiligen Studiengangs: Neben den Lehrveranstaltungen führen Sie die praktische Tätigkeit im Unternehmen durch. Ihre konkreten Aufgaben werden vom Unternehmen festgelegt. Dabei stimmen sich Hochschule und Unternehmen miteinander ab, so dass sich Ihre Tätigkeit und Ihr Studium möglichst gut ergänzen. |
Wann kann man ein duales Studium beginnen? | Prinzipiell kann zwar auch im Sommersemester begonnen werden, doch finden dann keine Lehrveranstaltungen für das erste Semester statt. Daher wird von einem Start im Sommersemester abgeraten. |
Kann man zwischen einem herkömmlichen und einem dualen Studium wechseln? | Da die dualen Studiengänge dieselben Lehrveranstaltungen umfassen, ist ein Wechsel zwischen einem herkömmlichen Studiengang und dem gleichnamigen dualen Studiengang möglich. Ein Umstieg in den dualen Studiengang sollte vor Beginn des dritten Semesters erfolgen. Von einem dualen Studiengang in den gleichnamigen nicht-dualen Studiengang kannst Du jederzeit wechseln. |
Betreuungskonzept und Beratungsangebote | Als Ansprechpartner für Fragen und Anliegen des dualen Studiums steht Studieninteressierten und Studierenden Prof. Dr. Thomas Allweyer zur Verfügung, der auch für die Abstimmung mit den Unternehmen und die Seminare zu den Praxistransferprojekten zuständig ist. Jedes beteiligte Unternehmen benennt ebenfalls eine Betreuungsperson für die dual Studierenden. Die Ansprechpartner der Hochschule und der Unternehmen stehen in regelmäßigem Austausch um eine möglichst gute Integration von Hochschulstudium und Praxistätigkeit zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus stehen den dual Studierenden die Fachstudienberatung zu den einzelnen Studiengängen zur Verfügung, sowie die allgemeinen Beratungsangebote der Hochschule. |
You have successfully enrolled at Kaiserslautern University and are starting your studies. If only there weren't so many questions about what to do next, who to talk to if you're not sure, and what support measures are available. The Student Life Cycle department helps you to find your way from the beginning to the end and accompanies you through your studies with various offers.
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