Learn German

The department International Relations and Languages supports you in learning German. Individually or as a part of a group, online or in the classroom: This is the right place for you.

Our offer services are open for all international students and (guest) employees of Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences who want to improve their German language skills.

Preparatory German courses (e.g. DSH) and official exams (e.g. TestDaF) are currently not offered.

Programme for winter semester 2024/25

Date: 07.10. - 06.01.2024 - each Monday (except for Christmas break)

Time: 14:00-15:30 h

Location: Room C.112 in Zweibrücken

REGISTRATION until 7th October 2024 via OpeOLAT here

You want to:

  • expand your first language skills to be prepared for situtations in everyday-life in Germany
  • have a little treasury of German words
  • get into German grammar
  • experience an interactive and interesting German lesson

In this case: this weekly German A1 training is the right thing for you!


Language trainer: Frau Theresa Kettering

Date: 13.05. - 08.07.2024 - every second Monday

Time: 15:45 - 17:15 h

Location: Room C.112 in Zweibrücken

REGISTRATION until 13th May via OpenOLAT hier


You want to:

  • communicate better and more fluent in German
  • enrich your treasury of German words
  • improve your speaking skills in German and through regular feedback
  • experience an interactive and interesting German lesson


In this case: this weekly German A1 training is the right thing for you!


Language trainer: Frau Theresa Kettering

A2 German Training online

Date: 13.05. - 08.07.2024 - jeach Monday (except for 20 May)

Time: 18:00 - 19:30 h

Location: online via BigBlueButton

REGISTRATION until 13th May via OpeOLAT here


You want to:

  • Understand the basics of German grammar
  • Practise your speaking skills with examples of your student everyday-life
  • Learn important vocabulary about relevant topics
  • Attend an interactive and modern German class


In this case: this German A2 intensive training is the right thing for you!


Language trainer: Ms. Grazyna Schneider

Self-study German - Your online course

International students at Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences are offered a digital learning programme in the area of German as a foreign language here so that they can improve their language skills independently.

Click here for the online course

Personal consultation

In Kaiserslautern:

  • Tue., 12.00-13.00 h
  • Wed., 10.00-11.00 h

Campus Kammgarn, building A, tower room (follow the Language Coach signs "Sprachcoaches")

